The Bataan Memorial Death March is an annual ruck marathon held at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. This event has been held for 36 years to honor the POWs who lost their lives during World War II. The UCSB ROTC Surfriders are sending a team to honor these soldiers and we need your help to register the team, travel, and room & board accommodations before and after the marathon.
Eighty years ago, thousands of U.S. and Filipino soldiers in the Philippine Peninsula surrendered upon being overwhelmed by Japanese forces. These troops became prisoners of war and soon began a 65-mile march through the jungles of the Philippines while being deprived of food, water, and medical attention.
Over the days of forced marching that followed, approximately 10,000 service members died. The Bataan Memorial Death March is an annual ruck marathon held at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. This event has been held for 36 years to honor the POWs who lost their lives during World War II.
This team has been a tradition within the Surfrider Battalion and has continuously grown throughout the years. This year we have 40 cadets training and participating in our weekly rucks. Any financial support given to our team would be greatly appreciated. If financial support is not an option for you, taking the time to honor those who never made it through the march is as great a gift as any financial contribution you could give.
Fund our trip and secure a life-changing experience for us!