After an opening series sweep, the UCSB Club Baseball season is off to a great start. The team is looking stronger than ever, with hopes of a run at a national title. The world has become more expensive, and the cost of housing, food, and travel have skyrocketed these last two years. Despite it all, we’re still proud to have the cheapest team dues of all UC Santa Barbara club sports. Our priority has always been keeping competitive baseball affordable and accessible. By making a gift to UCSB Club Baseball, you can support us in this mission.
As a self-run and self-funded team of student-athletes, we are grateful for any amount that you are able to provide. Community support helps to take the financial burden off the shoulders of our players. It allows us to compete week in and week out, to continually strive towards bigger and better things, and to leave a legacy that our players can be proud to look back on. We’re always grateful for any support you’re able to give. Thank you!